Save your smartphone From Stealing || Anti Theft Alarm

Smartphone Stealing and Over Charging are the two major problems of every smartphone user and today in this article we will get the solution of these problems. Sometimes, we go to the another place or sleep while charging our smartphones and our smartphones keep on charge and charge and due to more charging we may lose our batteries life or our battery. And sometimes, in our offices we set our smartphone on charge and go to the other place like boss cabin, washroom etc... Mostly thinks about our smartphones to be remains save from stealing. So, if you also have these problems continue reading because there is a solution of these problems in this article.

Full Battery & Theft Alarm: 

This Application is the solution of these smartphone user's problem. If you download and install it in your smartphone, the alarm will start and never will be stop till you will stop it by entering its password which you set. And the stealer can never stop it with out password. It is also good when you are sleeping and your smartphone is on charging. You will awake and can save your battery life.

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Last Updates: June 11, 2018

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