Blogger VS Wordpress | Which one is best?

Now-a-days, there are many websites available to build a professional websites like blogger, wordpress, wix, weebly etc.. But mostly people use Blogger and Wordpress. Here, is a big confusion for the people who are new in blogging to choose a platform for beginning. Because there are many questions in the mind of people about blogging and if you are also finding a better opinion you can read this post to clear your mind.

Blogger VS Wordpress | Which one is better:

In this post, you will get five best and bad features about blogger and wordpress.

Good points in Blogger:
  1. Easy Template Customization:
  2. If you choose blogger then you can customize templates easily. Templates can be easily customized by just changing some (Hyper Text Markup Language)HTML, (Cascading Style Sheets)CSS and JavaScript Code.
  3. Free Web Hosting and Domain:
  4. Free domain and web hosting for lifetime is also a good thing about blogger, you don't need to invest any money on domain and hosting. Because blogger does not take any money to upload your images, files, videos etc...
  5. Free full Backup Option:
  6. Means you can make backups as much as the Post article file to everyone free.
  7. Free Security(https://):
  8. Blogger is a Google's property and Google helps their users. So, blogger provides you free and advance security that saves your blog from hackers. This is again a good thing of blogger.
  9. Blogger Free Templates:
  10. On Blogger you get a free template that does not have to pay, Premium Blogger templates user buy very little.
Bad points in Blogger:

  1. Not SEO Friendly:
  2. If you choose blogger then you cannot easily rank on any search engine because there are no any SEO plugins for blogger like wordpress. And if you use blogger and want to rank it, its too much time consuming work.
  3. Can Disable or Delete your blog anytime:
  4. If you are using blogger your blog can be disable or delete by blogger at anytime even you have millions of visitors. But don't worry because if your blog have guidelines friendly content then you don't need to think about it. But if your blog is against blogger terms and condition then you may come in trouble. 
  5. Don't have any plugins on blog:
  6. Guys! if you are using blogger then you have not any extra plugins for your blog. But guys, wordpress provides you this opportunity and provides you lots of plugins. 
  7. Don't have access to root folder:
  8. If you use blogger, it is also a bad point of blogger that you can't access root folder of your blogger/website.
  9. Don't have any customer support:
  10. You will not get any support in this. If you have any problem, just contact the blogger forum, which may take a lot of time for the response to come.
I hope now you know good or bad features about blogger. There may be some more features but I posted here my opinions.

Good points in Wordpress:
  1. Self hosted platform:
  2. If you use wordpress, in wordpress you have full control on your template. You have a lot of plugins for every little work. And the template customization is very easy.
  3. Premium professional wordpress themes:
  4. If you choose wordpress, it's also a good point of wordpress that you can get good looking and SEO friendly templates from WP themes.
  5. SEO Friendly Wordpress:
  6. Wordpress is SEO friendly, it contains many plugins for your blog ranking. If you install Yoast SEO plugins in your wordpress blog, it bings you quickly to Google search engine easily because it contains all the SEO tools in a single pack.
  7. Extra Plugins:
  8. In WordPress you can add lot of plugins in your blog that is also a good point but in blogger you have not this opportunity.
  9. Access to all the files and root directory:
  10. In WordPress you can access all the files and root directory. Here, is the question that what is root directory? Root directory is that folder in your website or blog where your all the data stores.

Bad points in Wordpress:

  1. Security:
  2. But, in WordPress security is not good like blogger. In wordpress, there is lack of security. In WordPress all the responsibilities on you and the company which is providing you hosting. And this is the major bad point in wordpress. Hackers easily can hack you.
Guys, I shared all the good and bad point about blogger and wordpress. But I recommending you that if you are new in blogging, Blogger is a best platform for you.